Whilst in university you will get an option to study specific areas, and you could most definitely choose marine animals if you liked! zoology isnt a solid sort of subject, and you may choose you want to study the animal behaviour side, where you would go out into the wild to study their behaviour, but you may also be someone who works in labs under microscopes. It all depends on the different routes you take so I would just go for it!
I'm guessing you're in year 9/10 so you should try and volunteer in places such as zoos or just dog kennels so you have things to write on your CV which will give you the upper hand when applying for jobs etc. For example, for my work experience in year 10 I went to The Exotic Pet Refuge where i got to work closely with animals such as raccoons and monkeys, it was fab.
Hope i helped x
So I'm 14 and I would really like to become a zoologist. I've always had an interest in animals, and making it a career would be incredible :) But I have quite a few questions.
How long will I have to go to college for?
Do you get to work with animals and all?
Will Marine animals be part in it?
What all will I do, and are there different branches? Because I really would love to both study and work and help the animals in the field, if that's possible. I hear there are field zoologists, but I'm quite clueless. So any info you can give me would be very very appreciated! :)