> Zebra finch breeding? Help needed.?

Zebra finch breeding? Help needed.?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Put the nest inside the cage and high up, and secure it very well with twist ties or wire so it won't shift or fall off. Put a bit of nesting material in it, but let them do most of the work and provide them with small pieces of dried grasses to put in there. Give them eggfood so they are in proper condition for making eggs. Boil a chicken egg and mash up the yolk with a little water to make it mushy. Put it in with their seed and add tiny bits of finely chopped fruits and veggies. Also add finely crushed up eggshell to the egg yolk mixture for extra calcium so the hen is not depleted of it. The yolk has the extra protein she needs and the shell has the calcium. Do all this and you should have lots of chicks eventually! Don't get discouraged if things don't work out the first time - the birds have to learn to be good parents sometimes. This will help get them started well. Good luck!

Thank you! All it took was a relocation of the nest. They filled it with kleenex. Now i'm just waiting for the eggs. Thank you for the extra info, I already knew it thou.

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conseguir un gato perra estúpida eres fea ?sabía usted que

Hi, I have a pair of zebra finches.

They started building a nest out of newspaper they cut from their cage bottom so I hung a nest outside and kept the entrance open with 2 strand of bird-safe string. They started moving the newspaper into the nest and i saw them mating a couple of times.

Yesterday the male cut off the string because he thought it was good nesting material and he trapped the female inside! I let her out immediately and re-set the entrance with more string this time.

She seemed to have lost interest in the nest after the incident and was to afraid to enter, she didn't sleep inside it that night.

Today she is removing the nesting material they added previously! is she cleaning the nest for a new set-up or has she lost interest completely? She is also pecking the entrance to the nest. what does that mean?

I really am keen on breeding them. Should i change the nest location? or should i remove it then re-add it later?