> Would humans be considered wild or domesticated animals?

Would humans be considered wild or domesticated animals?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
As humans are animals, which (if either) classification would apply to us? Would we be wild since there's no one doing the domesticating? Or is it we who domesticate ourselves?

We have most of the attributes of a domestic animal. The only missing ingredient is some other species that controls us during out entire life-cycle, especially the breeding process. You might way we are "self-domesticated," but another option is too look at social insects, that have something that strongly resembles civilization. Or wolves, which are social in a different way. On a large scale (civilization) we are a little like social insects, but on a small scale (friends and family) we are more like wolves, pigeons, i.e., a different kind of social. These are similar to "domesticated" but maybe not the same.

It's my contention that the domestication of the planet is in full swing.

The human 'eye" had been busy for many millennia shaping their environment to met their needs.

Without writing a dissertation, humans have selective bred for quite awhile; ergo; arranged marriages, offering their daughters to Prince Charming, willfully allowing the Genghis family genes to spread across Asia etc. etc. . Don't forget that blonde Charlemagne.

It wasn't that long ago that 1st cousins married and" incest" was common.

9 months of being gravid was a small price to pay for the chance of producing a more perfect relative.

We won't delve into the realm of various "religions" but they too have played a large role.

Most would be like wild lions and tigers, haha...Actually, some wild animals show more love than people. The bible even talks about that. 2 Peter 2:12

Funny thing is, humans are made to be superior to the animals and to be their care takers. Adam had the privledge of naming all the animals. Man can learn much from watching nature and learning the principles in the Bible. :)

Humans are wild, social animals. Kind of like bees. We live in groups and perform different functions as part of the whole.

If one of us is attacked by a coyote, for instance, those around want to stop the attack and maybe kill the coyote besides. We are not tame.

As humans are animals, which (if either) classification would apply to us? Would we be wild since there's no one doing the domesticating? Or is it we who domesticate ourselves?