Put on gloves, take out the bird outside obviously and then clean your room and change all your bedding and clean your house just in case! Then take a shower even tho your wore gloves, wag your clothes and make sure you deeply clean your room ! Wish u the best:)
Birds have very toxic air in their lungs because they can't breath during flight, toxic gasses fill up during flight. Birds can endure these toxic gasses but humans CERTAINLY CAN NOT. How far away was the bird when you woke up? When birds die, these gasses will slowly escape out of their lungs and fill the room, if the room was too small you might have breathed some of these gasses in. In this case you should immediately see a doctor and tell him that you've been breathing in toxic breath from birds. Your doctor will then tell you that you are an idiot and that you should go home and stop asking dumb questions on the internet
Can I get bird flu or another disease because I woke up and there was a dead bird in my room? I think my cat brought it in.