> Will toads breed in the spring if they do not hibernate through the winter?

Will toads breed in the spring if they do not hibernate through the winter?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
You can hibernate them by putting them in a cool, unheated part of the house. Just make sure they don't have food inside their stomach when you hibernate them, meaning you should keep them warm until they have finished digesting their last meals. Also make sure they have enough moisture to keep them from drying out and make sure they are not exposed to temperatures below freezing. Hibernation alone may not be enough to stimulate breeding. You may need to provide a large enough body of shallow water and also simulate rain with a rain chamber.

I have acquired some American toads for myself over the summer months and they are doing well. Many people in my area would like a decreased populations of bugs, so I am looking to breed the toads (native here.) in the spring and introduce the toadlets to the wild later on to maintain the numbers. However, my understanding is that toads do not hibernate unless exposed to the correct tempatures, which will not be present as their habitat is maintained indoors. If the toads are not dormant during the winter, will they still be able to breed during the coming spring? Or will that offset their instinct?