> Will my Chicken survive?

Will my Chicken survive?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
This is bad chicken behavior the roo It was right was defeding his area and next time stand your ground with a large stick but never harm the bird he will be sore for weeks maybe even months but he wont forget you either place the bird into a pen to rest with water and foods place so he can see and hear the rest he needs to be quiet calm and to be allowed to rest untile the area foot leg is healed he won't be able to defend himself from any trouble till his leg or foot is better and right.You should goin get the bird and hold it daily till it knows you are the boss once he understands this you have no problems with a roo. Its best to understand the animals before you act.

It might have broken a toe or his foot. And I don't blame you for throwing a rock at him! Usually people get too scared and react badly. I would say wrap it up and keep him off of it as much as possible, or the toe or foot might not heal properly and he will be in pain for the rest of his life. Do you have a room in your house you could put him in until the foot heals? If you do, I would go with wrapping it up and putting him in a room where he won't be walking on it as much.

omg why would u that why don't u run away from it i am sure that u r faster she will live ut she will have problems for life

Okay i know it sounds bad but i hit my chicken with a rock. A pretty big rock and i chucked it at him. He was attacking me though. He is limping bad but when he uses his wings he can put tiny pressure on it. Will he survive?