> Will my budgie still talk?

Will my budgie still talk?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Well you are correct, once Budgies meet other budgies, they will mimic each other rather than you because of the fact that they're with each other more than with you.

His behavior could change, especially if the other budgie you bring in is hostile because it will become more defensive. Another important thing to keep in mind is that if your budgie was hand reared, it's unlikely to breed, even more so if the female you bring in was hand reared.

He sounds like a lovely budgie, and sounds like more of a loving pet rather than something you want to make more budgies, because it might not be worth it for you at the end of the day.


I have a green budgie for 8 months now. His name is Buddy and he's my best friend. He is happy, healthy and flies at home freely. Whenever I'm watching TV, he comes and stands on the TV and starts talking and singing. It's his way of showing "i'm better" lol

Recently, I'm thinking of bringing a female to him to start breeding but I'm afraid that his character will change or that he will stop talking since he will be copying his "wife"

Anyone had this experience before or knows if this will happen?
