> Will my bird be ok?

Will my bird be ok?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
It's impossible for us to tell whether your injured bird will recover, but keep the bird in a study cage out of the dog's reach. Before you take the bird out of its cage, put the dog in a different room where the door can be kept closed.

put the dog down or give the bird to a person who can keep it safe , otherwise it will live in fear for the rest of its life

Please take her to a vet.

My dog attacked my bird and took out quite a few feathers, including tail and wing feathers. I know they will grow back in time but is she ok? She has only slept since and tucks her head into a bald area when sleeping. We took her out to see how she was and it seemed she walked with a limp. I might have just seen this because im paranoid. Both legs look quite fine and she didnt seem to mind me touching them. I just want her to be ok because shes new. What do broken feet on birds look like? Or a broken wing?