> Will chickens eat a baby mockingbird?

Will chickens eat a baby mockingbird?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
No they will not, well actually it depends on how aggressive your chickens are. A broody chicken will attack anything that comes near the eggs. A rooster might start pecking at it deciding if its a danger to the flock. If the baby bird pecks back, the rooster will most likely kill it seeing it as a enemy. I would just take the fledgling far away from cats (Like the forest/woods) and release it their. A lot of fledglings die in this stage learning how to fly. They say on the ground 1-2 weeks learning. So you should put it some where far away from where you found it. The migratory act does not state that mocking birds are illegal to keep, mocking birds are not on the federal endangered, threatened or protected species act. Florida however does not allow the confinement of mockingbirds as it is the State Bird in Florida.

Even if you do not see an injury, if you saved it from cats, it is VERY likely that the bird will have small puncture wounds from teeth or claws. This will cause infection and death without medical intervention. Please take the bird to a wild animal rehab center where they can treat with anti biotics and pain meds.

It would be illegal for you to have a wild bird as a pet. They are protected in North America.

can you send me a image of your chicken coop

chickens will kill it.

They will kill him.

I have a baby mockingbird (fledgling) that I rescued from stray cats (not injured, but would have been eaten like the other baby mockingbird from a day prior) and have him inside. I don't really have a cage, just a box (top open - too tall to fly out presently). I don't want to find that he has learned to fly by having him flying all over my house, though.

I have a chicken coop with 4 chickens. Will the chickens harm him if he is placed in the coop with them?