if you buy new birds consider buying a second cage(if you already don't have one). Keep both cages close together for some days so that they can communicate but not fight if things go wrong.
during the playtime or the times out of the cage, you can give them a chance to form friendship with each other. I
if there seems to be no problems then keep them together.
male-male budgies will likely be close mates. Male-female budgies might get along, except in breeding time if one of the budgies try to bone another but the other ones not ready yet.
female-female budgies would likely leave each other alone.
Yes! They're flock birds and like to be around a bunch of their kind! Haven't you been to a pet store where they have them all in one cage?
I have 3 male budgies, and I wanted to get some more budgies. I was thinking of at least getting one pair of female budgies, but is it a bad idea to mix them and have more males than females?