Yikes.. you need to see a doctor like right now. this can be a symptom of serious pancreas disease. Do NOT take anything for this, and go see a DOCTOR. Again, I do not want to alarm you, but this can be serious. SERIOUS. May be nothing, but let's not take a chance. Time could be of the essence.
usually because of a bile problem. something went wrong. if you get it one more time, go to a doctor, you might have to stop a certain medication youre on. Bismol is the magic word I believe.
Wow... I wonder what white poop looks or even smells like.
I think you will get more answers if you made the thread in the proper location so the experienced people on this subject can help. I hope you figure out the reason. If it continues, a doctors appointment will help.
I haven't eaten anything that should turn it white, please help