> Why is my conure acting mean?

Why is my conure acting mean?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Your Conure should be checked out by an avian vet to make sure that nothing is medically wrong because excess agression is not normal and should not be allowed to continue. Imyself have a conure named Goldie. Be sure to discuss diet with the vet also. For conures a pellet based diet is recommended. I also recommend for you an organic pellet diet that is free of coloring such as Harrison’s Bird Food. Goldie enjoys Roudybush Daily Maintenance Diet.

Also make sure that your bird is getting enough sleep, and perhaps try some full spectrum lighting. Chew toys are helpful as well- I like BiteMe Pet Toys. It’s possible that your bird is going through a hormonal stage. Goldie is particularly cranky and slightly more aggressive during these periods usually when she is about to lay eggs. Do you know for sure that your conure is a girl?

Another thing that struck me is that you said that the aggression sometimes occurs when you are folding towels. Goldie gets really aggressive about folding laundry clothes for some reason and will lunge and bite as well. Some of these chores may be aggressive triggers now that the hormones have started. It might be wise to keep your conure in the cage while doing the type of chores that really seem to trigger the aggression.

Goldie for instance doesn’t like spoons, scissors, money, opening up a can of cat food, in addition to doing the laundry. She also can’t stand when anyone touches her favorite coffee cups or glasses that she likes to tap on. Prevention is key to preventing the agression.

Allowing a parrot to ride on the shoulder during hormonal periods is asking for it. I keep Goldie at eye level when I can and if I see her about to lunge I can get her to stop by saying no and stop most of the time. Observing the body language helps you catch the little anger episodes and prevent biting.

The most important thing to remember is that it is not you. For instance if I bring the laundry up from downstairs and Goldie sees me and happens to be out well she will fly after me, lunge and bite the most sensitive part of my ear. Needless to say she loves me; it’s the laundry that she doesn’t like. So if I am going to do laundry it’s in the cage for her.

Also be careful as to your reaction to the bite. Sometimes it’s the reaction that they are after. Be calm and just like you are doing wrap the bird up and promptly put the bird in the cage until he calms down. It seems like that he is otherwise a good bird, so don’t give up.

If the vet gives you a clean bill of health, then work on balancing out the hormones, and getting a bit extra amount of sleep. That and some attention to any aggressive triggers should help. If you are still having problems then do consult a parrot behavior expert to give you some specific training advice.

So i got this conure about three weeks ago. i know for sure that she is female, and she isbsix months old and molting. she was really niche all up until a few days ago when she started being extra mean. she would bite my friends and i alot more and much harder. I can expect her to bite my friends, but she hasnt really bitten me until now! also, i spend a lot of time with her, but lately every time i try to take her out of her cage, she wont step up and she avoids me. She is still nicer to me than other people, so i dont think she has changed her favorite person, so is this from the molting? is she sick? or is it something else? please help!!