> Why is my cockatiel unable to move its feet?

Why is my cockatiel unable to move its feet?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Take it to the vet, your bird obviously lost way to much blood while your father was playing 'vet'. If you don't get vet care it sounds like your bird is going to die a slow and painful death.

I found this on a Cockatiel website

"Keeping Beaks Trimmed

Beaks do not need to be trimmed under normal circumstances. Birds that are have a chronic illness, a previously injury to the beak or a nutritional deficiency may occasionally need their beak trimmed by an avian veterinarian.

I had only one cockatiel that ever needed her beak trimmed on a regular basis. She was an older bird with liver disease. Her upper beak was trimmed every other week or so.

Keeping a cuttlebone, a mineral block or small bird lava stone in the cage will assist in keeping the cockatiel’s beak at the proper size and shape. Toys and other bird-safe objects to chew on also help with this condition as well as prevents boredom.

If you think your bird’s beak may need to be trimmed, please check with your avian veterinarian. I’m sure they will be happy to do this for you and teach you how to keep your bird’s beak in shape.

Editor’s Note: A bird’s beak contains a blood supply as well as a sensory organ at the tip. This tells the bird whether what he has in his beak is hot or cold, and basically whether it is food or not. To damage this sensory organ would mean that the beak will not regrow normally and could pose a threat to the bird’s ability to eat normally. Please do not ever try trimming your bird’s beak yourself. Take it to your trusted avian vet first for an evaluation."

Your parakeet needs emergency medical care.

you cut a main blood line, why do people like you own pets when you do not do any research on these feathered angels!!!

It suddenly stopped walking and is laying on the floor, breathing heavily. A few days ago, my dad apparently thought its beak was getting too long, and well, tried trimming it and caused it to bleed profusely for about 2 hours. It hasn't really been the same after having him prod it every few minutes. Now he's blaming me for everything that's occurred for it and is merely saying that it's unable to move only because of the hot temperature sometimes. I'm not sure if this is true, but could it be that it's paralyzed? It's tried moving its wings a bit, but nothing. What should I do? I'm not sure it'll be able to eat or even drink, and it looks as though it can't even survive a night or two. The vet is very far from my house, but no one is able to take it. I don't want it to die at all, and I certainly do not want to blamed for its death when I never even caused it.