Your bird is not anti social, be is just scared, keep using food to get your bird to interact with you.
You need to learn your birds body language, let his desire for food overcome his fear.
Maybe if he has enough enjoyable interactions with you while he's eating, then eventually he will decide he also wants your attention at other times.
Birds can be weirdly particular about what they will accept, and you have to be patient with them.
perhaps it was not socialized enough as a baby chick and was only bothered when fed so through habitation it thinks that play time is also food time and it is what "makes the food come"
Use it to your advantage. I used millet to coax my baby parakeet onto my finger. Now, when I leave his cage open he will come out on his own and fly to my hand. Be patient and don't give up. Talk and tweet to him all the time.
Some pets are just like that. I find it helps to think like a bird.
He only wants to be bothered when its time to eat. Then i can interact with him.