once again, I'm so sorry he's sick. Please research handfeeding online and there are some great YouTube vids.
It's illegal to take in wildlife like that. Get it to a rehab center quickly!!!! You've been feeding it incorrectly!
confusing situation seek on bing and yahoo just that could help
Please contact a wild animal rehabilitation center before the bird dies of malnutrition. Birds grow quickly and require very specific vitamins to help their bones grow strong. It sounds like this bird is not getting what it needs. If you do not know the taxonomic constant for your bird, and the formula to calculate amount and frequency of feedings, you do not have the correct informaton to be successful at raising a wild bird. Please get help.
i have had him for 9 days and he has been healthy. he learned how to fly and i have fed him a mixture of mushed up kitten food, egg, and eggshell. this morning he was fine but when i went out to check on him he was wobbling on his perch. i kinda tossed him a little to try to get him to fly like he always does and he tried but he was just flapping and he fell down! his poop is liquidy and he is very weak im not sure why please help he might be dying ps he is a mocking bird