> Why is it that africa has the most dangerous species?

Why is it that africa has the most dangerous species?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Why cant north america have elephants, rhinos, and hippos like africa?

Because North America has Kodiak bears, sea lions, and killer whales. It also has moose, wolves, and coyotes, all of which can kill people if they venture into the wild.

A kodiak bear is more than a match for a single lion. However there is nothing in the world that can match an adult elephant on land except for a full hunting pack of lions, which would only attack the young or sick.

The environment is different from the african savanna, which has dry and wet seasons whereas north america has four seasons [except in the desert]. Consequently the animals have adapted differently to cope with snow and a greater amount and availability of water throughout the year. There are many differences in the environmental challenges and consequently there are many differences in the physiological adaptations of the animals, which take place over millions of years.

it has to do with the environment.

those animals have adapted and thrive in that type of climate.

they are not the most dangerouse ....one must consider the virus and bacteria as the most dangerouse, these microorganisms have killed a lot more animals and plants than all those animals you mentioned combined

Why cant north america have elephants, rhinos, and hippos like africa?