> Why hasnt the duck eggs hatched yet!!?

Why hasnt the duck eggs hatched yet!!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
It will take 35 days for muscovy ducks's eggs to be hatched :-) . Don't worry within two days you will get some beautiful ducklings :-)

They should hatch within a week or so as long as they are fertile and she has been on them faithfully. Be patient!

the time that eggs-hatching need is defferent, depends on the breed of your duck.

Okay so my duck has been sitting on the eggs for quite a while since the 25.3.14 the eggs have been fertilized, I think it is a moscouyion I think that's how you spell it. She sits on them al day and night,

I want to know if they will hatch or why they won't please answer thoughtfully :) thanks