> Why doesnt my ladybug move?

Why doesnt my ladybug move?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
It is dying, that is the nature of insects, they reproduce all summer, they leave some eggs and nymphs for over wintering. Then the adults die. I am sorry.

Read Charlotte's Web for the general idea what happens to most bugs.

Your ladybug can't fly. Just let it go ahead and die, poor thing.

Because it's probably dead

a few weeks ago i found an injured ladybug, and it tried to fly but it couldnt. the right wing looks like its fried.

anyways, it was acting normal, i fed it aphids, and when there isnt enough i give it sugar and a raisin. it has a damp paper towel for water. and leaves and a stick to climb on.

it was acting normal, until about a week ago. it stays in the same spot and doesnt move. so obviously it isnt getting food or water, so i got it off the leaf and put it in another spot. it moved about a mm, and sat there for another day. i moved it one more time, and this time it moved about 2 mm until stopping. its obviously alive but its not moving anywhere.

is something wrong? i know that its gonna be fall really soon and they need to hibernate, but its still really warm where i live so i dont know why any ladybugs need to hibernate so soon. i dont know what to do!