> Why do my parakeets flap their wings violently at each other? and how do i get them to eat their fruits and veggies?

Why do my parakeets flap their wings violently at each other? and how do i get them to eat their fruits and veggies?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
budgies flap their wings for three reasons.

one is because they are stretching/exercising, all budgies do this regardless of cage size, play time outside.

two is they may be displaying. rival males and females and potential mates will do this to seem impressive and big and to show off.

three is they may be agitated with each other as the females may be trying to fight over breeding rights with the male. if this is the case, don't worry, they should work it out eventually. however if they do manage to cause serious damage you should take the hurt one(s) to the vet and rehome the attacker. or at least separate them.

one reason they may have stopped eating fruits & veggies but are eating the cuttlebone is because they may have decided they like something else now. the same way we stop liking one food but now like another. keep trying, especially with new foods.

other than that I don't know why they stopped eating the fruits & veggies.



hope this helps.

Get a few more cages. They need more space. Let one bird out at atime to fly around and check out the new digs. The birds are very intelligent and get bored easily. play music in the room and talk to them. Ya might wanna try feeding them one at atime in a gage by themselves. Birds hate to fight for food. They like to eat in peace just like dogs and cats. If you do not know these birds well yet, wearing good gloves when handling them is a good idea. good luck!

Best to buy another cage 4 birds need more room,,,,also you have 3 females and 1 male.......your females are fighting over your male,,, trying to have him mate with one of them, parakeets are a seed bird not like a parrot who eats fruit and vegetables..read up on yahoo.com ( all about paraketts) get to learn about these bird s to help you understand them and what they eat....good luck

I got 4 parakeets from a friend. 3 female, and 1 male. I have no idea how old they are, but their previous owner never cared fro them the way they were supposed to. they didn't abuse them. They just didn't feed the parakeets veggies, fruits, or cuttlebone. Recently, they started eating their cuttlebone, but they will not even go near the fruits or veggies. Not even when i mix them with a few seeds.

Recently they started flapping their wings violently at each other. They bow their heads, and flap their wings, at each other. do they do this because they need more exercise? They spend all f their day in their cage. should I take them out? If they're not tammed, how can i tame them?
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