> Why do my budgies have a lump on their chest?

Why do my budgies have a lump on their chest?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
These lumps could be cysts.If the birds refuse to eat fruit and veg.They have not been looked after properly and they should not have been offered to someone in that condition.If they are cysts,they do not go away.

Try giving them a tonic in the water,you can get this from a pet shop.A cyst is a fatty lump and you could check by putting( budgerigar cysts ) in to google images ).

It could be the females, my budgies who were 2 female had bumps, however the male did not. Budgies are so adorable by the way! Haha

It could be an impacted croup. My turkeys had that once. I dont know if budgies have croups though. That's my guess.

I got 12 budgies two weeks ago and this morning, I noticed that some of them have a lump on their chest. They are also not eating their seeds like they usually do. I thought it was an egg but both males and females have it. My budgies don't eat any fruits and vegetables. All they eat is seeds and millet. I have tried to feed them finely chopped apples, carrots, and celery but they wouldn't even touch it. Is it normal? Would the lump go away on its own?