> Why do crows harass eagles?

Why do crows harass eagles?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
" Mobbing behavior by crows is very common. The crows are reacting to the potential threat the hawk poses as a predator, to the adult crows and their offspring. The mobbing often serves to harass the hawk into leaving the area. Occasionally a mobbed hawk will turn the tables and attack and kill a crow. "

" Generally crows harass hawks to get them out of their territory. Crows are smarter than most - they know a predator when they see one. "

" Generally crows harass hawks to get them out of their territory. Crows are smarter than most - they know a predator when they see one. "

As a defense, known as mobbing, to drive away a threat

the eagle represents. Crows will occasionally take an nestling

eagle, if opportunity arises. Age old mechanisms.

Eagles would otherwise eat crows, so the crows gang up to try to drive the eagles away.

It's collective defense.

crows are a holes and i haet them.