The exact nature on palm texture or coloring are irrelevant genetic variations for determining the truthfulness of evolution. But if your anit-evolutional God truly existed then non-human primates would have never been created by such a God. Since non-human primates has caused God and his followers so many problems with an sufficient counter explanation by or from believers like yourself, for 100 years. The truth is more simpler: apes and other non-human primates are genetically related branches from an evolutional past i.e. proof in evolution from the animal kingdom.
Here's more proof, you are a primate i.e. you have: two arms, two legs, and you shave some of the hair off your body that you inherited from your distanced ancestors the primitive primates, who fossil remains you can visit in a museum.
Here's what we should do as a specie, after knowing about evolution; it should rule our psychology because we don't only look ape-like, we must also think ape-like as well. So throwback thinking to our ancestors is inevitable, I call it the technical name of Evolutional Retardation. It is not possible that the human race could possibly descend from lower primates without it also effecting human thinking i.e. without any Evolutional Retardation whatsoever. We therefore should be suspicious of our society whether we are dealing with the ape side of our nature.
Evolution is a nasty fact that we all would like to forget but once realized and accepted it touches every aspect of human life, as well as how we treat people or society at large. Once I realized this and accepted it myself, I never look at people the same way again i.e. it's just a fact we are just as good as apes. I don't like it but we all must live with it because those are the facts.
To me, it like there's a line drawn in the sand, and if you cross it, well that must be your ape side; this means your humanity is like a balanced pin that can drop with the slightest wind.
So be very careful for what you say or do, or even how you think (e.g. acceptance of ideas without any rational at all i.e. automaton thinking as social programming) because I might just take you for an ape; no joke it's for real !!!
When people realize this about me, it doesn't make me a very popular guy, in fact people sometimes give me a very negative reaction to it.But can't change the facts either for them or for myself: the human race teeter top balances between being ape & some idealize human self-image. Because, like it or not, humans are ape-men and that's a simple fact right from the fossil record.
Emotionally and intellectually the human race have not taken the fallout consequences of evolution very seriously even though they accept it as science i.e. they have not seriously come to grip with their inner monkey.
I cleaned up the mistakes in it a bit; but it's pretty clear what I'm talking about, and that is:
1) That your implied suggestion that evolution is not true does not disprove evolution. I devoted the second paragraph to that, and given the fossil record as well as multiple genetic studies, I consider that sufficient to dispel your presented facts "Gorilla Black Hand-Palms verses Human Flesh Colored Hand-Palms" as proof against evolution.
...And 2) The rest of what I have written claims that not only is evolution true and factual but that there must also exist residual remains of it in human thinking which I have called: Evolutional Retardation. I devoted most of my answer to Evolutional Retardation since it is a direct consequence from the facts given in evolution. Yet Evolutional Retardation is highly overlooked even in segments of the society that prides themselves with accepting evolution. Therefore Evolutional Retardation must be emphasized all the more to enlighten the populous; because society needs to take evolution much more seriously than it does now.
Response to " Update 3: @ Robert B What makes you think that I have doubts about evolution? " :
It falls out logically as a direct natural consequence of your question, namely:
" Why do Gorillas have black handpalms?"
So that given no other sources of information about your motives one cannot possibly think otherwise i.e. the conclusion is only rational.
Now short of some kind of Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) there is no way to actually no your motives, which could have been anywhere from evangelism to atheistic doubt for creation. However as a piece of evidence it would not take someone too long to categorize it as item of counter evidence i.e. taking the form of a rebuttal.
Needless to say in a world of dwindling religious belief over the sciences many evangelists have taken to flight covertly and desperately want to be perceived as an unbiased source of legitimate science for their crusade i.e. Yahoo Answers are full with them.
In the light of these obvious realities your updated question for me is a bit strange; at least more stranger for me than the bewilderment you are claiming over my assumptions; which by the way I claim to be only rational assumption possible.
Even your implication that you have no doubts in evolution is unrealistically dubious for a real world. And is most likely an attempt at feigning accept to maintain a covert status to evangelize unencumbered i.e. free of any weighty issues of creditability. This position of yours is understandable in the light of the fossil record or even in light genetic studies e.g.
Needless to say here, an epigenetic difference is the thinness veneer of separation possible between two species; so much so that there is not a single instance showing a non-nuclear genomic distinction between two different species on this planet. And further to reiterate by claim for a genuine existence of a human Evolutional Retardation in the light of mere epigenetic difference is sanely rational and quite inescapable in logic. Introspect it is not unreasonable to conclude that Evolutional Retardation is the root cause for our screwed up world.