> Why are parrot pellets so expensive?

Why are parrot pellets so expensive?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I find it is much cheaper and much more healthier to offer my parrot whole foods like leafy greens, veggies, fruits, and nuts. And that kind of forces me to eat better too. Pellets are for lazy owners who don't care about their pets.

Good dog food is 40 lb for around $25, so about $1.6 a lb. Keep in mind it has chicken as the first ingredient, veggies, etc... Parrot pellets are $4-$6 a lb. The ingredients are corn, wheat, etc...

To me it doesn't make sense. Sure, the dog food is in bulk, so it costs less, but buying the parrot pellets in bulk is extremely expensive, much more. Or maybe you'll say that it's because pellets last longer, it varies like it varies with dogs. And the expiration dates are similar too...