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My dad is a former police officer and guys were terrified to ask my sisters and I out because of him. My brothers are protective of us too. Like when the boys had their first girlfriend, the men are like, 'That's my boy!" and "Good for you son! Thar makes me proud" BUT....when it comes to the girls my dad,uncles and Abuelito (grandpa) were like, "Infierno para el no!" (HELL TO THE NO!! in Spanish) and they're more serious and questioned the boy. My Abelito use to say, "My daughters and not dating until their 30!" My aunts weren't allowed to date until they were 18! My mom and aunt wasn't allowed to date until their senior year in high school Anyways, when I had my first boyfriend, my dad was like, "If ANYTHING happens to my beautiful daughter, I swear to god........" and he also said one time to my sisters first boyfriend, "Anything happens to my beautiful daughter, I got a big shovel and I'm not afraid to use it!" My dad was always strict about what we wear and if their are gonna be any "BOYS" at parties and when we have the house to ourselves while our parents go out, dad always said, "and NO BOYS!" and we respect that.I'm not a "Little girl", I'm WOMAN. Our mom is strict with us girls too. I hate being female. Boys have the good life! I'm 17 now with a wonderful boyfriend that my dad get's along with. I hate it when my dad calls us his "little girls" and his "Little angels/princesses" He treats us like babies and our brothers like gown men. Men and boys have the good life.