> Who would win? Snake VS Tiger?

Who would win? Snake VS Tiger?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Considering tigers have killed King cobras, jaguars kill anacondas, and one of the smallest felids - the serval, regularly hunts the most dangerous African venomous snake; the Puff adder. I can safely say a tiger can kill anything a jaguar or serval can.

Bali tigers are extinct now, but they used to hunt pyhtons so sorry 'UNnaturally blonde' but your argument is useless. Balinese tigers are the smallest of the nine sub-species, imagine what a Siberian or Bengal tiger would do.

It really depends on their sizes. A small snake would easily be killed by a tiger. I large constrictor, such as a rock python, could overcome the strength of a tiger. A large snake is actually much more stronger than the average tiger. On the other hand, a venomous snake would most certainly kill a tiger too. If it were to get a successful venomous bite, then the tiger would eventually die from the effects of the toxins. Like I said, it just depends.

Ofcourse a snake. Once, the snake lock tiger's neck, it won't leave him before his death.