It sounds like a Magpie. The get louder and more aggressive sounding when they are warning off another animal- predator getting to close to their young. They will land right next to my cat and chew him out the birds have no fear, I swear. Obnoxious birds that do horrible things to other bird's eggs and young. They stick around if there is a good food supply.
What that sounds like to me is the leptoptilos crumeniferus, and the only thing I can recommend to you is that you get the hell out of that house
This was the third night when I woke up to a strange bird sound. At first it is like a screaming-whining ( this is when I think I'm about to get brutally murdered) and then it becomes a more "peaceful" calling. I suppose there are at least 2 of these birds since they often answer to each other. I also firmly believe that it must be an owl, since I always hear it around 1-3 am.
note: I live in Middle Europe, so it must be some kind of an European owl (if it's not something else)
note2: the sound you can hear in the video is the "peaceful" calling, I always try to record the loud "screaming" calling, but as soon as I grab my phone they start the more peaceful calling.
so here is the video:
thank you!