> Which animal is most beautiful and why?

Which animal is most beautiful and why?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I like the butterfly. Reason I just like their way of flying in my gardens

Mandarin Fish

The mandarin fish (Synchiropus splendidus) swims in the south-west Pacific Ocean close to Australia, Taiwan, and the Philippines.

Its array of color is similar to that of the robes worn by an Imperial Chinese mandarin or bureaucrat. The blue color comes from a cellular pigment that is unique to the species.

The mandarin fish is only 6 cm long. It dwells in secluded lagoons and reefs, eating small crustaceans.


That's why we run after actors & actresses & models...

I think puppy is the best.Because it is a best pet animal.

whale is the most beautiful aquatic animal

beauty is never an exact thing specially about animals cause it depends on ideas and there is no rule to follow about their beauty. so my idea is different from urs

and so on :]