> Whether poison of these spiders is dangerous to cats and dogs: Brown reclusa, black widow, hobo spider, mouse ?

Whether poison of these spiders is dangerous to cats and dogs: Brown reclusa, black widow, hobo spider, mouse ?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
It is possible for toxic spiders to cause harm to pets, but this is a very rare situation.

There are only two spiders in north America considered medically significant, that is the brown recluse, and the black widows.

You won't find the recluse in Arizona, but it is home to the western black widow.

There are snakes and scorpions that can be worse, and the most lethal bug known is the Arizona harvester ant. You are not going to find these critters in the city's, and traipsing about the desert only takes good judgement to avoid dangerous animals.

I might point out that hobo spiders have been shown to be harmless, I even keep them for pets.

You just won't find them in Arizona.

(one of my hobo (field) spiders)

Not to worry - Hobo Spiders, Brown Recluses and Mouse Spiders aren't likely to be found in Arizona (Mouse Spiders especially, being as how they're Australian) since that's outside their normal range. Black Widows theoretically could cause a problem for dogs, but I've never heard of any dog suffering from a Widow bite. They're usually quite smart enough to avoid being bitten. Cats you don't need to worry about; I haven't seen a cat yet that wouldn't sneer at even the most deadly spider (the Sydney Funnelweb, also found only in Australia) and casually disassemble it without breaking a sweat.

I plan to move to Arizona and have heard a lot about dangerous spiders. But I know that exist in other countries there are spiders who are dangerous to the person but their poison isn't dangerous to animals. It can be safe too Arizonian spiders for animals?