> Where is the best place to have a Fennec Fox?

Where is the best place to have a Fennec Fox?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
California for a reason has laws against non-native species.

All I read in your note is that I'm selfish. The Fox's rights to be a free, wild animal is immaterial to my own needs. I won't be able to take it to a Vet in California and thus it's health is not my concern.

Let go of the wish.

I want to have a pet Fennec Fox, now, before you tell me that they are not pets and they are wild, i plan to take care of my pet Fennec, i would rather it stay in my good care and attention than in a zoo with everyone crowding around it or getting killed of somewhere, I was planning on moving to California, but there Fennecs are illegal. i really want one, it would mean a lot for this help, also I have done a lot of research but i haven't come across this, is it okay to live with a Fennec Fox in a two floor loft? Thanks for the help :D