> Where can i buy or adopt a parrot in NY?

Where can i buy or adopt a parrot in NY?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
I want to buy a parrot that is capable of learning how to talk. and i don't want to spend more than $300.

Honestly if you are getting a bird for just its ability to talk you might want to rethink owning a parrot.

Parrots are Very time consuming and not all of them speak even African Greys and amazons and Quakers all three known for speaking a lot you might get one that never ever says a word or might say one word.

I work in Parrot rescue. i have had birds come in that the owner says they talk and that bird never say a word when he gets here. i also have bred in the past and have had babies talking and get to homes and never say another word so speaking ability is a really Bad reason to get or want a parrot.

You should take time to research and save up and make sure you wish to take on the task of being a parrot owner. It is like having a toddler that never ever grows up. imagine a 2 year old that never listens to you that you are constantly having to care for and you can not take trips and they live LONG lives unsure how old you are but lets say you are in Jr High. In a few years you will be dating and working and studying and in school activities then you find a boyfriend the parrot gets jealous (my amazon and dog battle constantly for my attention) The more you are away from that bird hopefully he will be kept in a living room where everyone is because a bird left in a room away from everyone i never happy and will lash out in time or pluck or self mutilate. They are flock animals and need to be with people.

Once you get busy that bird is sure to act up and if he starts plucking it is HARD to stop them i have had many give up their birds because of plucking and have had many naked birds come in.

They also and this is important for everyone in the home YELL a LOT you will need the type headphones they use at gun ranges to lesson the noise and you will still hear it Some instead of plucking take to screaming for you. My amazon yells MAAA MAAAA MAA over and over loud enough you can hear him across a ball field and the windows are only cracked.My small parrotlet chitters just as loud when he wants his door open and for me to come get him so he can sit on my shoulder and pull my hair out one strand at a time LOL

It is funny but it is also a LOT to deal with these bird have me around all the time as i do not work outside my home. Oh and talking on the phone never a good quiet thing. they see me on it and start up yelling because someone else is getting attention from me.

You state you have 300.00 that is the cost of a proper sized cage then you need perches of different types and sizes in width than toys my goodness they go through them like buzz saws and toys for med birds are like 10 to 20.00 and the larger ones are up t 30.00 for a toy you will hang in the cage and a day later it is in bits and pieces on the floor of the cage because many play like that. You also need bowls even though 2 usually come with the cage you want a couple to sit around the cage as birds forage so adding nuts to one dried fruit or birdy chop to another etc so they forage in their home or cage. Add to that food expense you have to buy seed pellets fruit vegetables foods like couscous and other cookable items. just making one batch of chop for say 3 birds can run 100 or so.

Add the vet care you should always have a well bird check up and then follow up every 3 years to make sure all is well. and an emergency vet fund that stays untouched in case something happens is a MUST that is true for all pets.

There are some great breeders and rescues n your area but PLEASE research this speak to everyone in the home about it and remember this animal may be with you for 50 yeas or more and you need to make arrangements in case something happens to you also think abut future boyfriends and how they may not want that bird are you prepared to say well tough take me take the bird or step off. if you have kids they will have to be watched and that bird may again act up

So PLEASE research many rescues offer classes take some volunteer at one to get hands on experience and to know what type is a good fit and to learn as much as you can before going to get one These are very sensitive animals that were really born to be wild but they are here and they can be great pets if you have the time experience and money. If you volunteer and take classes most rescues will then let you foster and you can see before committing and you will likely connect with one who needs you and a home and they are the best ones the ones that pick you instead of you picking them I am not saying they are not great company and companions but remember they are wild at heart and they can really cause damage in a home so when out they need constant watching and they should get at LEAST 3 hours out with your undivided attention

Long Island Parrot society i a good place to join and check out.Also the second link has a list of NY and NJ rescues as well as all other states unsure how updated this is but check it out

The third link is a really informative site on birds lots of good articles and stuff

Please rescue there are SO many out here without homes great friendly birds who need a home many rescues like mine also provide the cage and the stuff in it with the bird to make the transition easier. Also remember no matter you rescue or buy All birds take time to trust you it can take months sometimes years so Patience is a Must

Try craigslist

pet shop

I want to buy a parrot that is capable of learning how to talk. and i don't want to spend more than $300.