Note: Agreed that it is very rare and raptors should not be desensitized. But our rescue area does have some that are permanently disabled and used for showing people the beauty of these animals by displaying them at nature shows or at schools. They do allow limited contact at that time if the group is small. And the caregivers have limited contact as well. Which is why I recommended it. It is likely the only way to legally do what you are asking.
I ran a "No Kill" animal shelter in Arizona....rescued animals....
In that there are laws limiting the keeping of raptor, particularly Bald Eagles.....your chances are slim.... probably if the eagle were injured and unable to survive in the would be found in a sanctuary....
Zoos would never allow you to "hold" their eagle ....not just for your safety but also the birds safety....
It is not good for the wild animal to be exposed to human contact.... it desensitizes them makes them vulnerable.... 101st Airborne Division had a bald eagle .....their unit symbol and mascot.....he was fed and cared for by close human 1965 someone came to the cage and strangled the bird.... killed it..... there are sick twisted people in this world
In Raleigh NC....there was a pet store that had two beautiful Pumas..... kept in cages barely big enough for them to turn around..... the damage to these magnificent creatures both physically and mentally is devastating.... I appose keeping exotic wild pets.... it is is is cruel
There is a small delicate big eyed creature called a Tarsair .... come from the Philippines....beautiful..... gentle insect eating animal.... that people love and think is cute.....they want them as pets
The Tarsair has been known to commit suicide rather than be kept captive....think about it
Watch these magnificent creature in the wild.... but hugging a Panda or holding an eagle is a bad idea..... and just a little selfish
Even with a falconers glove they would still be dangerous.
"The power of a raptor's grip comes from its leg muscles, tendons and bones. Researchers believe a bald eagle's grasp is at least 10 times stronger than that of an adult human hand and can exert upwards of 400 psi. The average person, by comparison, purportedly has a grip strength of about 20 psi."
I saw one in my back yard a couple days ago...
I've always wanted to see a bald eagle up close. I was wondering if there were any wildlife preserves or zoos that could help me do this. Its been on my bucket list to have one of these majestic birds land on my arm (in a falconers glove, of course), and I'm hoping I'll be able to cross this off the list soon. Thanks for your help!