> Where I by ducklings in pa?

Where I by ducklings in pa?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Well I don't know what stores are in your area but hatching is also another way to go! You just need a incubator and some duck eggs from a farm. Also go to Craiglist, type your location, and type in ducklings. You'll find local farms or places with ducklings for sale. Good luck! Oh ducklings are so cuteee!

any pond, just take a net and catch one or find nick spearmint he is crazy enough to steal it for you. Bangor/Allentown

I'm looking to get a duck as a pet, not sure as to what stores would have ducklings year round. my local tractor aupply stores only have them feb-May. I'm looking I get one ASAP. I would much rather go and pick it out at a store than ordering it and have it shipped. thank you in advance!