> When will my hens start laying?!?!?!?

When will my hens start laying?!?!?!?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Both should of been going on for the roo he may be doing his job you may not have noticed for the hens they should of been producing the eggs are you offering them layer pelletts? if not do so the more the better this helps to produce the eggs we all like to get.but also offer reg foods as well scratch feed is great with pellets mixed in .

If you have had a very harsh winter as we have had, the best thing that will happen to your chickens is fresh air and sunshine. As soon as the weather is fit get them outside for exercise. That should get them laying.

in 1 month

So I have two questions: when will my hens start laying? And when will my rooster start to try to fertilize the eggs? Are there any clues or signs to when all of this will happen. I have 1 rooster and 4 hens and they are 6 months shouldn't they start soon?