> What was this animal I heard at night for a few seconds that sounded like a puppy yelping?

What was this animal I heard at night for a few seconds that sounded like a puppy yelping?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Look at fox sounds. Foxes make really highcpitched yelps. Coyotes too. Wish I could be more helpful

I agree with Nicholas, probably coyotes. We had four in our yard in NJ and at night the yelps would get so loud, it was frightening. Thank goodness they have moved on and we don't hear them anymore.

Its a little after midnight here in a medium sized town outside winston salem nc. I was smoking my last cig for the day on the top of the driveway. There are neighbors behind us and next to us but there is woods next to the driveway divided by a small yard. I heard it through the woods. None of the neighbors have a puppy. It made a loud yelping sound only 3 or 4 times and stopped. We do not live in the country. There is a house a hundred yards or so through those woods. I was like what the he** was that than it didnt make a sound again. It was not an owl. It sounded close to the small yard on the side. It was just weird. I have friends in a country town outside my town and I havent heard an animal like this when they have a lot of land. I just have a little bit of woods. It could have been a puppy but it made the noise several times and stopped. I was not about to go lookin lol. If itwas day time I would.