You should probably put them back in the nest because the mother will most likely come back if there were still live eggs in the nest. Birds actually do except their babies back into the nest after they've been touched. If you are sure the mother abandoned them It's probably best to call animal control if you are not sure what you are doing, and it's not exactly legal to raise baby birds on your own.
If not, then you'd have to raise the babies yourself, and unfortunately they wouldn't be able to be released back into the wild because they wouldn't know how to survive, so you'd have to care for them their whole life. Good luck to you though, hopefully everything will go okay.
So, there was a bird nest in our backyard but the bird-mother left and the others eggs were covered in blood unfortunately (they died..) but my mother kept the only eggs who were left.
So now, we have 2 birds eggs in a basket and we covered them so it would be warm for them but 45 minutes ago, we heard a bird sound so we came to check and they were hatching.
Is it normal that it's taking a long time to hatch ? My friend said it takes like 20-30 minutes usually.
What do we have to do for now ? Every details would be appreciated ! What kind of food do they eat after birth ? What will they do after they hatch ? Can we touch them after they are born ?