> What to do with a living chicken?

What to do with a living chicken?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Don't kill the rooster you can sell him go to a farm auction see if anyone living in the country wants a live rooster for their flock (s) offer the roo to $4H students or to some FFA kids in school place up an ad for a rooster for sale Poor Larry Look up places that take in farm animals in your area and do place down some newspapers for the waste the bird may make Its not natural or healthy for a rooster to be pened up for long periods its just not right.

Yes, it's a rooster. Eat him before he stinks your entire apartment up. Chickens are messy, stinky birds, and roosters just make noise and can't even give you any eggs. Enjoy your meal!

So what if he wants to kill it. Where the elf do you think the meat in yoru freezer comes from? A magic world? Its dead chicken.

Its not a pet. its food. you don't name food. And your grand bought it. You can't take it and give it away or take it to a sanctuary, its not yours to steal like that.

yes hes a rooster (guy) and the best thing to do is let him loose somewere like the woods or something

Get Larry on the grill before he becomes a pest.

on wednesday night, i came home to see there was a chicken in a cage at my apartment. i was freaking out. i found out my grandpa bought it from a farm and he wanted my grandma to kill it so we can all eat it but my grandma is refusing to kill it.

anyways, i feel so bad for Larry (i named him , lol) He's in the corner of our living room, he has food and water but im trying to look for farms or sanctuarys that can take him but i need good advice from people who have chickens! I live in San Jose , Ca. Any place in the bay area that would be a good environment for him would be really needed! btw im just assuming he's male.. he "cocka doodle doos" in the morning around 6:00am , does that have anything to do with its gender? is it a rooster?