> What should i do if i steped on a landmine?

What should i do if i steped on a landmine?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
i am going camping in florida and what should i do if i stepped on a landmine during my camping trip what should i do and is there away to escape certain death?

When you've stepped on it, it's a bit late to do anything but lie there screaming, and wait for the gators to come to the taste of blood.

The way to escape certain death is to never ever go to Florida.

While you are searching the ground for landmines a Gator might sneak up on you and your only hope is that the Gator steps on a landmine...

Before you step off insert a finger in each ear .

i never realized florida had a landmine problem . you have convinced me to never go there .

You'll die of prostate cancer first.


If u want to go camp just bring coffin

i am going camping in florida and what should i do if i stepped on a landmine during my camping trip what should i do and is there away to escape certain death?