Hope your birds health get better and best wishes my friend :)
I have bought an Alexandrian baby Parakeet. She is about 2 months old now.
Few days ago, I have noticed some signs of illness, so I took her to a vet. After diagnosing, the vet said that there was nothing wrong with her (but to simply put it " I DON"T BELIEVE HIM).
These are the signs:
* fluffed feather for extended periods
* breathing sounds (respiratory sounds ) ( like she has a flu :/ ) ( voice change ) ( breathe with an open mouth- beak-) difficulty in breathing .
* a little bit of tail bobbing
* weight loss
* feather falling ( just the wings)
* not active ( sleepy look)
* Sneezing
* A runny nose
* Lack of appetite
-- the dropping are normal