> What's wrong with my parrot?

What's wrong with my parrot?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Go to another vet and tell him/her all of the symptoms, it seems your bird is coming down with a flu or something. As long as the droppings are normal than it's not sever. If you do release her health is getting really low then I would run to an animal hospital or something. Try getting her under the sun and get her to move more. Fix her appetite and massage her wings and throat. If you see it plucking its feathers or something take quick action.

Hope your birds health get better and best wishes my friend :)

I have bought an Alexandrian baby Parakeet. She is about 2 months old now.

Few days ago, I have noticed some signs of illness, so I took her to a vet. After diagnosing, the vet said that there was nothing wrong with her (but to simply put it " I DON"T BELIEVE HIM).

These are the signs:

* fluffed feather for extended periods

* breathing sounds (respiratory sounds ) ( like she has a flu :/ ) ( voice change ) ( breathe with an open mouth- beak-) difficulty in breathing .

* a little bit of tail bobbing

* weight loss

* feather falling ( just the wings)

* not active ( sleepy look)

* Sneezing

* A runny nose

* Lack of appetite

-- the dropping are normal