> What's so terrifying about spiders or snakes?

What's so terrifying about spiders or snakes?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Among spiders and snakes, there are more non lethal species than lethal. Most people are afraid because they have fangs and they creep. Snakes and spiders that is, not humans. hee hee Snakes have a bad rap because of the Biblical story of the Adam, Eve and the garden of Eden. Snakes could use an image makeover. It's hard for most of us to understand a snake that crawls without arms and legs and smells with its tongue. Tarantulas seem terrifying because of their size. Though capable of biting sharply, most don't. When they do, it's because of improper or frequent handling. We need snakes and spiders because they keep the insect and rodent populations down.

It may be somewhat instinctual . I raised game chickens and let some hens out to eat grasshoppers . They came across a tarantula and were curious about it but avoided it showing great caution . I know none of them had ever seen one much less had any experience with one so what else would explain the reaction to a tarantulas presence .

I love spiders. They keep them pesky flies away! Although If I saw something like a tarantula I would freak out haha... I hate people who squash spiders out of fear, it's not right.

I don't really know why to be honest. But I've had an extremely bad phobia of spiders ever since I was little. Something about their long legs and I have had bad experiences with them as well, for example when camping and there was a tarantula looking spider in my tent.

If you don't get medical attention soon, they can kill you. I have arachnophobia, but I'm not being biased. Most snakes and spiders aren't venemous though

Nothing at all, if you get familiar with them and get to know them. Some are downright likeable,

and I do have a healthy respect for the dangerous critters.

Spiders can't really kill you, even a black widow or brown recluse! Unless you're a small child or elderly person.

And snakes, some can kill you with their venom. But I still don't see what's so bad about them, either.

But people seem to be more scared of spiders than snakes, though. Even though spiders are less dangerous than snakes are.