> What plants can I put into my new Green House Aviary that will not harm my birds?

What plants can I put into my new Green House Aviary that will not harm my birds?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Here is a list of safe and toxic plants


Cockatiels and budgies are both native to Australia and will often travel together as one flock because of there similar dietary needs. So even though that site is for Cockatiels, this page will apply to Budgies as well.

If it is to cold the Budgies will get sick, being prey animals they will hide there illnesses well until it is near to late that you will notice obvious signs of illness. So make sure it is warm enough, day and night. If it is to cold for you in a thin long sleve shirt then it is to cold for the birds. They should also not be in direct sunlight without access to shade.

If the birds fly into the windows this can be very dangerous. Though, this can be fixed using a rope mesh on the windows, the Budgies also might enjoy climbing the rope.

Find out what natural plants grow where parakeets are native, and see if you can grow those. All animals prefer to live in familiar surroundings. The best habitats are those that mimic their natural habitat closely. Alternatively, visit your local garden center, and the plant experts can find suitable small trees, plants that are not harmful, and advise you of growing conditions required etc. The possibilities are endless, depending on many factors, growing season, direction of morning or afternoon light, soil conditions etc. Plenty of trees grow well in containers. The ability to provide misted water is something the plants and the birds would appreciate.

I am buying a Green House 8' X 6' X 6' and turning it into a Aviary for winter.

I have 21 and I am getting more parakeets.

I am wondering what different varieties of plants that will not harm Parakeets. I want a few small trees that are easy to care for and will not get huge. I am also wondering what small plants I can get. The ground is going to be Black Bricks to heat up the Green House Aviary, and am wondering how I can put a few trees in without removing some of the bricks.

I would like a list of a lot of different small trees and plants.