African Greys are a bit spendier, but they are the best talkers. Ask about bird sanctuaries where you can adopt parrots. I have a blue front amazon and a double yellow amazon and they are super noisy. I adopted them from a bird sanctuary. All the folks wanted was to inspect our home and made sure they had all their needs met and that includes yearly check ups at the vet. a lot of people get parrots and lack the patience for their care and noisy attitude. Some move far. We have a military base and some would take the birds to the sanctuary so they can go to loving good homes. I love my birds and they are funny. Whoever had them taught them some cuss words which is funny!
A quaker parrot!
get a conure!! i have those and i love them. you can get them for a couple hundred bucks and they are amazing pets. they are also great because there are so many different types of conures to choose from. they talk, too. this may be weird but i have converstions with mine sometimes...
Hi i have been wanting a parrot for a while and i dont know what breed i want. I want something that can talk well and is a decent size. I need it to be under $800. Please help! Thank you !