> What kind of tarantula is this?

What kind of tarantula is this?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Found this in my house, kids want to domesticate so we need more details in order to suit vital needs.

You CANNOT reliably identify a tarantula from a photograph. Especially a photograph taken from a distance through a cloudy container. Even experts who have been working with tarantulas for years cannot reliably identify one from a photograph. There are over 800 known species of tarantula in the world....and half of them are a vaguely brownish color.....just like the one you have there. We'd need a close-up picture before anyone can even BEGIN to guess what it is, and that's all it will be: A guess.

We also need location. Where do you live that this tarantula wandered into your house? That would significantly narrow down what it could be by eliminating things it is definitely NOT.

2 people suggested that it is a Chilean Rosehair. Well, that is almost certainly not what it is, unless you happen to live in the foothills of the Andes mountains in Chile. That's where they are native to.

If you live in the American Southwest, it is something in the Aphonopelma genus. That is the only genus that occurs naturally in the US. I can't tell you what species specifically. I know a guy with a PhD in arachnology, and he still couldn't give you anything better than an educated guess unless he knew EXACTLY where it was found.

If you live somewhere else in the world, then it could be practically anything.

Also, you can't domesticate a spider. They don't have the mental capacity to view you as anything other than a threat. A spider will never like you and it will never be your friend. It will just be a spider and react how its instincts tell it to based on your actions.

Looks like a Chilean Rose Hair. I wouldn't try to keep it as a pet. A wandering tarantula is usually a mature male, which means its looking for a female that's the only reason its out in the open in the first place. It also means its got months to live. Once male tarantulas hit maturity, they've got about a year max to find a female and mate before they die. Female tarantulas can live for decades, but males only live 12 months as an adult. Just release it back into the wild. Tarantulas can make interesting pets, but buy from a store, that way you know what you are getting.

It's the scary kind!

It seems like Chilean Rose Tarantula.

Found this in my house, kids want to domesticate so we need more details in order to suit vital needs.