> What kind of spiders are these ?

What kind of spiders are these ?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
These are spiderlings of a European garden spider.(cross orb weaver)

You don't have to do anything, unless the spiderlings are indoors, they wouldn't survive.

Outdoors, these spiders will disperse by finding a place they can pull web in a breeze, and let the wind carry them away for a place of their own. The spider that left the eggs, likely died last autumn, and the eggs overwinter to hatch in the spring.

They are really sweet spiders, and if inside, you might try to collect them in a jar, and release them outside. (not the easiest thing to do)


If you are lucky, maybe a couple will stay around, like my baby orb weaver:

Oh boy, if this had happened to my mother she'd probably die. lol

Those are baby Araneus diadematus. Common garden spiders, European Garden spiders. As hatchlings they are bright yellow with a black marking around the bum area like those. Considered harmless, very common in the UK and Europe.

Some babies: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/co...

As for what to do...Uhm, with so many that's a good question. Is it possible to take out the whole thing(I can't tell what that is, curtains?) and shake it off outside? They're nice to have around and will eat bugs, usually leave people be if they aren't messed with. Most babies will go their own way and the numbers will thin greatly after a short time. Put a deep bowl or jar under it when you move them so if any drop you can snag them. Catch extras in a tall jar with paper to scoot them in, be real careful or you may squish them.

I came down this morning to find a massive web about 1 metre more like a sheet than usual web with these little things all over. I don't mind spiders but enoughs enough this is not half of them and can't see the one who

is obviously mother spider. I live in UK but have had parcels lately from far away places haven't seen anything like this before. Not sure what to do with them. Any advice welcome !