> What kind of spider could this be?

What kind of spider could this be?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
The spider is not dangerous, probably a sac spider or ghost spider.

Both of these spiders are very quick, and don't like to be around humans.

Just shoo the spider off the bed, and likely you will never see it again.

If you need to, a vacuum will work also.

I live in BC, Canada. I found a spider in my room, about half the size of a penny and light brown in colour. It ran super fast under the sheets in my bed so I have to get it out but would like to know what it is beforehand. It has the same legs as a bowl and doily spider, but its body is kind of oval and like I said light brown, not the yellowish red that BaDs are. Could the spider be dangerous? Thanks in advance.