> What kind of shark might this have been (Atlantic Beach, NC)?

What kind of shark might this have been (Atlantic Beach, NC)?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
If you saw one dorsal fin surface, then it was not a sand tiger shark (pictured in previous comment). If you saw two similar sized dorsal fins surface, then that is definitely what is was. If you only saw one dorsal fin then you most likely had a visit from a spinner shark or sandbar shark. All 3 of these would have most likely swam around your boyfriend, but obviously getting out of the way was a smart idea. Sharks are very inquisitive animals so it was most likely just checking y'all out before deciding to find something more up its alley. No need to be alarmed ;)

Your most likely suspect?

"Sand Sharks

These sharks are by far the most common sharks you might see along the shoreline in North Carolina and generally speaking they are very docile. They look rather fierce with rows of protruding teeth and they can grow to around ten feet long. As a rule, the sand shark will not bother swimmers unless provoked into doing so."

Read more: http://www.city-data.com/forum/coastal-n...

I was maybe 20 feet out, only waist deep in water (2.5-3ft) with my friend and boyfriend. My friend noticed a shadow circling my boyfriend then noticed a shark fin come out of the water and it was on a straight path to my boyfriend at that point. My friend yelled and my boyfriend stepped out of the way, throwing the shark off a bit so it turned a little on it's back but it basically touched my boyfriend as it turned back around him, then it started circling me so we all held on to eachother and ran out of the water. It was about 5 feet long, had a light white belly and a dark greyish tan back. I'm not sure if it's behavior indicated an attack or if it was just swimming around. The beach was really busy and I didn't think sharks went too close to masses of people, Does this sound like any sharks known to attack people in Atlantic Beach area of North Carolina?