These are harmless critters, and their menacing look is only for camouflage.
I don't know of any spiders that may resemble this.
Black widow
I think this bug is a spider, although at first glance it looked like it's legs were wings. I saw it in northeast Texas inside a building. I think it was black in color with some kind of cream or tan colored stripe markings. The really noticeable characteristic was it's one long "leg". I think it was a leg, but it was very long and thick and made it look very menacing [although it was only a centimeter in width, and a centimeter and a half in length (although this is only an educated guess)]. The long leg was the one closest to it's head.
If you can tell me what kind of bug or spider this is, I would be very pleased and my curiosity will be quenched. Thank you!