> What kind of birds nest/eggs is this?

What kind of birds nest/eggs is this?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
Sparrow egg! 100%! The eggs can't hatch without the mother but she might have left them because they were dead. If your REAL SURE the mother isn't coming back, you can take the eggs and candle it. Go into a dark room and shine a flashlight under it, if nothing is moving, it's dead. If you see something moving, PUT IT BACK! Your scent won't keep away the mother.

I'm not sure what type........and if you don't see see the mother come by maybe put a cloth on them to keep them warm. Don't be afraid of touching them, some people say if you put your scent on them the mother won't take are of them. That's not true! But if they end up hatching and you haven't seen the mother in awhile I suggest you call your local rescue shelter and see if they can help.

Not robin or wren but likely purple finch.

The nest is currently on the porch on one of my flower hangers and sadly the flower pot has died. I've been checking through my window often but not to much to see if the mother would come but she has not sadly. I'm curious to also know if these are robin eggs? I'm guessing not to my research of what other robin eggs do look like.