My best guess would be something like a giant house spider. They may look intimidating, but these gentle giants are about as harmless as spiders come. Most UK spiders are harmless sorts.
Who cares? Kill it!
There are no poisonous spiders in England, so this thing isn't going to kill you! It's probably a common house spider Tegenaria domestica. A completely benign creature that shares your house with you.
Spiders in the house are a good thing, because they don't do any damage and they kill off lots of nuisance bugs, such as houseflies and more destructive insects. If you see a spider running on the floor then leave it alone. It is your friend because it is keeping other bugs out of the house.
So, release your ugly spider on the floor and let it get back to its lair, where it will catch and eat any other bugs that come along.
Spider,foot, squish, good
First of all let me mention that the UK is not a natural habitat for lethal spiders, It's hard to tell what kind of spider it is from a description.
But I suggest you just take the bottle outside, and release him a few meters from your home. :)
I live in the South East of London, in England... And lately, it's been REALLY hot! (For England, anyway)...
About 20 minutes ago, I could the most ugly spider ever crawling behind my computer, where it's really warm... Anyway, I capured it in a plastic bottle and poked 3 little holes in it so it has air/oxygen.
It's like, a hazel brown colour and it has a little bobble on its back, and its a much darker brown than its legs and head, whatever you call it. I'd say it's the size of a 20p coin, maybe a bit bigger.
It's like, got a dark brown colour, then a hazelish colour and then a beige colour on he bobble bit like, someone just brushed it on... The legs are kind of gross too, looks a bit sticky.
There is no way I can take a picture of it, sadly.
Does anybody know what kind of spider it is? I don't really like killing spiders, but this one looks weird and I don't know if I should kill it or not!