> What is my parakeet trying to tell me?

What is my parakeet trying to tell me?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
He fluffs his feathers as a relaxation action. It means he is comfortable. Turning his back to you doesn't mean he doesn't like you. He can see in back of him pretty much with his wide-set eyes. I had a budgie who used to take a little hull from a seed and constantly chew on it, almost like we do with gum. Just a habit. He will need a mineral block or cuttle-fish bone to keep his bill trimmed.

When my budgie was mad at me, he would give a scolding squawking sound. You can tell; it doesn't sound pleasant like normal chirps or twitters. If you just got him, give him some time to get used to his cage and new surroundings alone. Cover one side of the cage and maybe bring the cloth on half of the sides, so he has like a little cave to feel more secure until he gets more comfortable being away from all his flock buddies. Quietly talk to him from a little distance and maybe the second day or so approach the cage closer and show him that you are no threat. Don't have a lot of noise like loud music or tv in the room. When he is happy, male parakeets sing more than females. Females like to gnaw on wood and things more. Once he is used to you, like after several days, you can begin to slowly put your fingers by him and see if he'll step up on your finger while you say something like, "jump," or whatever. He will need at least an hour of time outside his cage for flying and moving around, once you've trained him to return to the cage by jumping on your finger, or branch, or just flying to it himself. Don't ever chase him around the room if he gets out; he will return to his cage (where the food and water are) eventually if he doesn't feel threatened.

I recommend getting a Parakeet Handbook which will cover what to expect, what to feed him, where to put his cage, how to build a parakeet tree for him to play in, how to look for and treat illnesses, etc. It's well worth the money.

I just bought a male parakeet about 3 days ago and ever since I've got him I've been really confused by what it means when he does certain body movements or certain chirping sounds.

What does it mean when he:

Fluffs his whole feathers up from head to toe?

turns his back to me?

fluffs his cheek feathers up?

when he grinds his beak?

how do I tell when he's mad at me?

how do I tell when he wants to be alone?

how do I tell when he wants company or attention?

I read somewhere that certain chirping sounds mean different things than other chirping sounds, how do I tell the difference and what do they mean?

Thank you all in advance!