> What happens to all the flies, mosquitoes, bees etc when winter arrives do they die or migrate?

What happens to all the flies, mosquitoes, bees etc when winter arrives do they die or migrate?

Posted at: 2014-11-15 
They are everywhere in winter but do they fly south like birds or do they just die off and come back next season?

Well... It depends. Monarch butterflies migrate. Bees stay in their hives and live off the honey they worked so hard to produce all summer long. Some bugs lay eggs that sort of hibernate over the winter and hatch in the spring. Some dig down into the dirt and lay eggs there. Some bugs find a relatively warm place to just hang out, a garage, inside a car, the attic of a house, etc. Some insects have their own "antifreeze" which protects them if the temperature goes a little below freezing.

Insects have been a VERY successful form of life for a VERY VERY VERY long time. One of the reasons is that insect species have adapted to survive in climates that change a LOT, from hot and humid to really dry to places where it gets really really cold, and everything in between.

They migrate most of the time, sometimes they just die

Some sort of hibernate, others go south...others have learned to adapt and survive. They are amazing.

They are everywhere in winter but do they fly south like birds or do they just die off and come back next season?